Can Dogs Eat Cheese? Yes, But Read Before You Feed

Can dogs eat cheese? Small amounts of cheese are considered safe for some dogs, but it is probably safest to avoid cheese because of its GI upset.

“Pets don’t have that much lactase,” says Laura Robinson, DVM and Pawp’s veterinary consultant. – an enzyme that helps digest dairy products – just like we do. Therefore, a food containing lactose can cause diarrhea, vomiting, nausea, and loss of appetite.”

It is best to consult with your nearby vet to find out. Is your dog able to eat cheese safely? And how much is a safe amount depending on your dog’s size, breed, and other health factors?

Benefits of cheese

Cheese is packed with calcium, nutrients, protein, phosphorus, zinc, and vitamins A and B12. However, this does not mean cottage cheese does not have its benefits. Cheese for dogs can be used as a training tool. Plus, a delicious morsel of cheese can help mask the medication you’re struggling to take your puppy on.

How much cheese should a dog give?

Before deciding to give your dog the occasional cheese snack, consult with your vet. They will help you figure out if this is an appropriate treatment and, if so, what type of cheese would be best for them.

Always remember that any food other than your dog’s regular food – including dog treats – should never account for more than 10% of your dog’s daily caloric intake. Like in humans, too many calories can lead to weight gain, leading to several other health conditions.

What Kinds of Cheese Are Safe for my Dogs?

Cheese comes in different sizes, textures, colors, and even ages. With so many options, figuring it out can be stressful. What are the safest foods to feed your dog?

In addition to lower levels of lactose, low-fat cheese is a safer bet to feed your dogs than your everyday cheeses. If you are going to feed cheese to your dog, here are some better options.

Filter Cheese

Low-fat cheese is a healthy option for feeding Fido. Because it contains much less lactose than other types, it is also a good source of protein and calcium.

String cheese with your dog

How could you share your string cheese with your dog? We’ve got some good news! Mozzarella is another safe option to give to your puppy because it’s lower in fat and sodium than the average cheese.

Swiss cheese

You’re going to say “Holly Molly” if Swiss cheese is a favorite. So you will be happy to know that it is safe to feed your four-legged friend as it is low in lactose.

Cheddar cheese

She is known as one of the most popular cheeses. Cheddar cheese is a great option to consider giving to your dog because it’s also something that contains a little lactose.

Cheese to Avoid Giving Your Dog

There are unique items that are safe to give to your dog, but on the other hand, others are a complete no-no. The older, moldy, and vegan the cheese is, the more it should be avoided.

Can dogs eat blue cheese?

This contains mold, which can be toxic to dogs and cause seizures and vomiting.

Cottage cheese 

 Chives and Garlic can damage your dog’s red blood cells and cause serious health problems.

Can dogs eat goat’s cheese?

Goat’s milk contains much more lactose than cow milk. Thereby it is high lactose and high-fat cheese to be avoided.

Can dogs eat brie cheese?

Similar to goat cheese, Brie contains high levels of lactose and fat. It is a rich cheese that can upset your dog’s stomach.

Can dogs eat feta cheese?

Another cheese that should be discarded- is feta. Not only is this cheese high in lactose and fat, but it is also high in sodium.

Using Cheese to Help Your Dog Take Medicines

Is your dog afraid of taking medicine? Make it a more enjoyable experience for you and your pup with some cheese! The softer and more flexible, the better you can keep the cheese inside. Then, squeeze the cheese around the pill so your dog can’t smell or see it.”

Can Dogs Eat Cheese Blue?

The fungus used to make other ‘Moldy’ and blue cheese varieties, such as Roquefort and Stilton, produces Roquefortine C. A substance that is poisonous to dogs. Contact your nearby veterinarian immediately if you notice any of these symptoms after feeding blue cheese to your dog.

Can Dogs Eat Cheese Parmesan?

Parmesan is a challenging and grainy cheese with a strong odor. Puppy has a stronger sense of smell than humans, so this smell can put them off.

Similar to hard cheeses, Parmesan contains low levels of lactose but is significantly higher in sodium, which makes it a few choices for dogs.

Is Cheese Bad for Dogs?

Can dogs eat cheese? milk, and other dairy-based products? Give them diarrhea or other digestive upset.

According to the AKC, eating cheese can cause pancreatitis in dogs, especially for schnauzer and cocker spaniel breeds that are prone to pancreatitis. Pancreatitis is a severe condition that often results in an upset stomach, diarrhea, and abdominal pain. Still, in some extreme cases, it can also lead to death.

What about other dairy products for dogs?

If you are concerned about dairy for dogs, be sure to read up on these everyday items before introducing any other thing new to their diet.

Milk for dogs

Dogs don’t process fat as quickly as humans, so you should only milk dogs occasionally. Remember, __dogs can be lactose-intolerant__ – you’ll know pretty soon if your pup has an upset stomach, diarrhea, or excessive gas after drinking milk.


Buttermilk is made from milk, so it is a wrong choice for lactose-intolerant dogs. In addition, butter lacks nutrients and consists mainly of saturated fat, making it a common cause of pancreatitis in dogs. If your dog eats buttermilk in small amounts, he should be fine. However, suppose they have moved to a tub or can of butter. In that case, they may experience abdominal pain and irregular bowel movements for a few days.

Curd for dogs

Yes, dogs can eat curd in limited quantities. Low-fat, plain yogurt with no artificial sweeteners can be good for dogs suffering from an upset stomach.

Ice creams

Many store-bought ice creams contain low levels of lactose. Still, they also have high levels of sugar or artificial sweeteners. If you want to treat your BFF to some ice cream, keep portions small and be sure to choose a good brand that has zero added sugar. You should also ensure that the ice cream does not contain potentially toxic ingredients such as chocolate or sugar-free gum.

Can dogs eat cheese? final thought.

How much cheese you should feed your dog depends on many factors, including their size, standard diet, and digestive response. Regardless, it would help if you gave dogs cheese occasionally and in moderate amounts as a treat. That said, here are some dog cheese tips to consider (with your vet’s approval):

Dogs with lactose intolerance or dairy allergies and prone to stomach upset should avoid eating cheese.

If you have any questions and answer about adding your dog’s diet, talk to your veterinarian.

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