Poison plants for dogsPoison plants for dogs

Before detailing poison plants for dogs, I should point out that sometimes the plants we love aren’t enough for our canine companions, who often eat anything and everything. Take. Upon which they can turn their backs. Dogs have been known to investigate anything they come across.

And that’s where we as pet parents need to be vigilant and knowledgeable about which plants are okay to bring into our home and yard. Many plants are not safe for our pets, and when a man’s best friend eats a poisonous plant, complications can occur.

Plants have an innate ability to make us happy and lift our spirits. They also take us back to nature, where we often feel most at home. We depend on plants, and plants rely on us. It is a symbiotic relationship that has many benefits for everyone involved.

Many plants are highly toxic and even fatal to dogs. Some of these plants are in your local park, in your neighbor’s garden, even in your own home. Follow along to find out which plants you’ll want to avoid on your next trip.

The following plants are among the most toxic to dogs and should never be fed to a dog under any circumstances:

Exterior poison plants for dogs

The chances of a pet coming into contact with a poisonous plant are higher than outside the safety of your home. Most plants that are toxic to animals are only dangerous if they are ingested. Still, some reactions are caused by skin contact, so preventing your dog from digging flower bulbs is an excellent way to avoid contact with dangerous plants. It may not be sufficient. 

Is. Examples of poison plants for outdoor dog plants include:

  • Amaryllis
  • Oregano
  • Crocus cyclamen
  • Daffodils
  • Hyacinth and tulip
  • Kalan hoe
  • Oleander

House plant poison plants for dogs

Although it can be more difficult to control which plants your dog or cat gets outdoors, that doesn’t mean there aren’t any potential hazards indoors as well. In addition to the dangers of bringing any cut flowers indoors from the above outdoor plants, houseplants can also pose risks. Here are two such houseplants that are particularly harmful to animals:

  • Castor bean or castor oil plant
  • Cyclamen
  • Dieffenbachia
  • Dumb cane
  • English ivy, both leaves, and berries
  • Hemlock
  • Mistletoe
  • Mulch
  • Prickly apple or jimsonweed
  • Sago palm
  • Texas spp.
  • Mushrooms

Which Plants Can Poison My Dog?

Many plants can make your dog sick and potentially fatal to your puppy, so you should always prevent them from chewing on any plants or vegetation outside your yard or in your garden because that is safe and safe for you. Beautiful as it may be toxic to your canine companion.

This type of vegetation should be avoided for various reasons. Don’t plant them near your home or bring them indoors as plants or cut flowers:

  • Any flower bulb
  • Bleeding heart
  • Bloodroot
  • Chrysanthemum
  • Foxglove
  • Jerusalem cherry
  • Larkspur
  • Marijuana
  • Pathos
  • rhaponticum
  • Schefter
  • Stinging nettle
  • Tulip/Narcissus Bulb
  • Virginia creeper

Hardwood or woody plants are also toxic to dogs and should be avoided in and around your home.

  • Azalea
  • Box
  • Chinaberry tree
  • Horse chestnut
  • Year of gold
  • Upload
  • One type of fruit
  • Wisteria

Plants That Are Poisonous to Dogs

You may have heard that there are many foods and things that can poison your dog, but did you know that many plants are toxic to puppies as well? Today our emergency vet in Windsor, Connecticut, discusses several plants that are toxic to dogs, symptoms you should watch out for, and how they can be treated.


  1. Allium
  2. Aloe Vera
  3. Aloe Vera
  4. American holly
  5. Azalea/rhododendron
  6. Azaleas (rhododendron)
  7. Baby’s breath
  8. Begonia
  9. Bouquet
  10. Castor bean
  11. Castor Bean / Castor Oil Plant
  12. Chrysanthemum
  13. Chrysanthemum
  14. Cyclamen
  15. Daffodil
  16. Castor bean
  17. Daffodil
  18. Dumb Cane (Dieffenbachia)
  19. Elephant ear
  20. English ivy
  21. Foxglove
  22. Gladiola
  23. Golden pathos
  24. Holly
  25. Ivy
  26. Ivy Late
  27. Japanese yew
  28. Male berry / Staggerbush
  29. Marijuana
  30. Marijuana
  31. Milkweed
  32. Azalea
  33. Cyclamen
  34. Mistletoe
  35. Mistletoe
  36. Morning glory
  37. One type of fruit
  38. Perennial Peas or Sweet Peas
  39. Periwinkle / Vince
  40. Philodendron
  41. Rhododendron/azaleas
  42. Snake plants
  43. Tobacco
  44. Tomato plant
  45. Tulips
  46. Tulips
  47. Water Hemlock/Cowbane/Poison Parsnip
  48. Foxglove


These plants can cause severe physical damage or death if chewed or eaten. This list is more specific and includes symptoms that can occur if your pet eats or chews on these plants.

Some other fewer poison plants for dogs

These plants will cause stomach upset and mouth irritation when eaten or chewed. However, they usually will not cause serious illness. –

  1. Aloe
  2. Begonia
  3. Bird of Paradise
  4. Black lead
  5. Bougainvillea
  6. Chrysanthemum


  1. Dark red
  2. Dumb cane
  3. Elephant ear
  4. Eye pupil
  5. Fleabane
  6. Gardenia
  7. Geranium


  1. Hydrangea
  2. Light yellow
  3. Mother-in-law’s tongue
  4. Naughty
  5. Pansy
  6. Pinks (Dianthus)
  7. Poinsettia


Plants safe for dogs

These plants usually do not cause illness or oral discomfort when eaten or chewed.

  1. Alyssum
  2. Blue daisy
  3. Boston fern
  4. Bottlebrush tree
  5. Camellia
  6. Cane
  7. Celosia plumose
  8. Christmas cactus
  9. Dark blue
  10. Gerber daisy
  11. Gloxinia
  12. Golden cluster
  13. Impatiens
  14. Marigold flower
  15. Nasturtium
  16. Pampas grass
  17. Persian Violet
  18. Polka dot Plant
  19. Rose
  20. Snapdragon
  21. Spider plant
  22. Star jasmine
  23. Sunflower
  24. Sword fern
  25. Viola

Symptoms of Poisoning from Plants in Dogs

As we said that many plants in the world are dangerous for dogs. We have only mentioned some of the most common, so you should know about the most common symptoms of plant poisoning in dogs as a pet owner. Must know. Must know. We understand that it can be hard to determine which plants are safe or dangerous, so we’ve listed the most common symptoms below:

  • Drooling
  • Diarrhea
  • Stomach pain
  • Loss of appetite
  • To vomit
  • Lethargy
  • Weakness
  • Changes in urine
  • Skin irritation (if they touch some dangerous plants)

Contact an emergency vet if you notice any of these symptoms in a dog, as plant poisoning requires immediate care. The above symptoms may also be a sign of a more severe condition. The sooner you call your vet, the sooner your dog can be diagnosed and treated.

Treating Dogs That Have Been Poisoned

When you bring your puppy to the vet, bring a sample or photo of the plant they have come into contact with, along with the symptoms your dog is displaying.

Treatment will depend on the plant they have contact with or ingested, as all toxins are different. However, treatments your vet may implement include:

  • Antivenom (if available for a specific plant)
  • Belly pumping
  • Induced vomiting

Do not induce your pet to vomit unless you have been told to do so by your veterinarian. Always call your vet. As soon as you suspect that your puppy has been exposed to a poisonous plant, your vet will give you instructions on what to do to help your pet when you go to the veterinary hospital. Needed.

If you think your beloved dog has ingested a poisonous plant, please bring them to our Emergency Animal Hospital in Windsor, Connecticut, as soon as possible. You can contact our emergency vet with any questions about poisonous plants in your area.

A dog swallows treatment after a poisonous plant.

Prevention is the 1st course of action to keep safe from poisonous plants. Despite preventive measures, taking immediate action may be the key to successful treatment and recovery if a pet is exposed. According to Alex Moldrem, DVM, if a pet displays signs of poisoning, there are four steps to follow:

Suppose you suspect that your dog has chewed on or eaten a poisonous plant as described. In that case, you should consult your veterinarian immediately or call the ASPCA Animal Poison Control 24/7 hotline at 1-888-426-4435.


We care about our dogs, and we want them to be as healthy and happy as possible. Whether it’s planning a garden for the summer and spring months or even something like buying a new houseplant, pet owners have more choices of plants than water and shade requirements. More factors have to be considered while making the selection. There.

By keeping in mind which plants are harmful to animals, we can avoid the dangers of poisoning and create a safe, healthy living environment for our pets. We hope this list will help identify some of the most common poison plants for dogs.

Plants are great for our environment, mood, decor, and spirit. Still, we can enjoy beautiful plants with our canine companions while keeping everyone safe with a bit of planning and preparation.

If you cannot keep a close eye on your pet around plants in your home, a gate or crate can be used to create a safe space for your dog.

Emma scott

By Emma scott

The Care4Dog website aims to simplify the search for quality pet care and animal hospital emergency medical services in the United States as well as other countries. The Care4Dog website was founded by dog ​​lover Emma Scott, who has always wanted to provide the highest standard of care for pet dogs.

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