Pomeranian Dogs Breed Info, Pictures, Price & Fact

Pomeranian dogs are playful, friendly little dogs; they are fearless due to their short stature. They tend to bully larger dogs, regardless of height. This breed is an active dog breed; they require daily exercise. A small yard is enough for them. For the first time in Germany, some Pomeranians were allowed by Queen Victoria to attend composition shows.

It is a spitz-type dog breed that has originated in the Pomerania region in northwest Poland and northeast Germany in central Europe. Due to its short stature, it is classified as a toy dog ​​breed. Although the Pomeranian (also known as Lulu, Dwarf Spitz, and affectionately Pom) only weighs 3 to 8 pounds, this lively little dog has a personality the size of a Texas!

Hypoallergenic: no

Life Span: 12 – 16 Years

Weight: 3 to 8 pounds (1.4 to 3.2 kg)

Height: 7 to 12 inches (20 to 30 cm)

Temperament: Playful, extroverted, intelligent, friendly, sociable, active

Colors: red, orange, white or cream, blue, brown or black

Pomeranian dog price

Although the cost of a dog is not fixed, the Pomeranian dog is estimated to cost between $500 and $3,000. If you are looking for a good show dog, you can expect $6,000.

Pomeranian dogs’ breeding rights and papers are more expensive than dogs, so keep their cost in mind if you want to breed them.

5 facts about the Pomeranian dog

Cute, agile Poms are a very loyal breed to the family. This is an independent, alert and curious type. Unfortunately, despite their small stature, they do not hesitate to attack in front of larger dogs. Even if a person does not treat them well, they start barking at him.

The head of the Pomeranian is wedge-shaped, and the ears are erect. Its face is like that of a fox or a small monkey. Some women think that “baby-doll” or “pansies” is better. His black almond-like eyes lit up with a gleam of wisdom and curiosity. They have a nose similar to coat Colour and a cute tail.

The Pomeranian dog breed makes excellent pets for older people and busy people. Also suitable for residents of apartments and houses. The Pomeranian is a beautiful breed for people who don’t have much room to live and have small children.

Poms breeds are generally good at learning tricks, but you need to be firm and alert when training them. Pomeranians have a lot of energy; they enjoy traveling a lot. They walk proudly and enjoy new places and people.

To stop your dog from barking, do something like knocking on the wall and door?. When your Pomeranian starts barking, say “quiet” and reward him immediately when he stops. Do this process for a few days until your dog stops barking on command.

Pomeranian dog
Pomeranian dog

Pomeranian dog size

Pomeranians are 6 to 12 inches tall and weigh 3 to 8 pounds. Some litters have puppies that are smaller in the days when they were older and reach 12 to 15 pounds or more. Its puppies can be an excellent choice for families with children.

Pomeranian dog personality

It loves meeting new people and gets on well with other animals. However, he is not afraid of larger animals and becomes impatient to face them. This is an alert, curious breed. They love to bark, but they can be groomed with proper socialization. While training them, it is essential to teach them to bark or stop barking according to sunny borders.

Their temperament is influenced by several factors, including heredity and training. Puppies of this breed take great pleasure in playing with children. Eager to sit on his lap. Pomeranians need early socialization may want to be familiar with sights, different logos, and sounds.

Good socialization will prepare him to be around dogs and help determine how he treats other people. Enrolling her in a kindergarten class is a good start. He allows her to regularly invite visitors, taking them to shops and busy parks. Enhances his social skills.

Pomeranians dogs Care

Pomeranians are a very active breed to keep indoors; they provide very little activity during daily walks and playtimes. Keep in mind that they are sensitive to heat. They can go for long walks in nice pleasant weather. Let them play with new toys so that something new is a good development.

Poms love to learn new things; you and Poms will love it. Motivate him to learn something new along with exercise. This is an excellent option for mental stimulation and teaching him tricks. Keep his training short and fun. Command your Poms the right way by giving them rewards.

Pomeranian dog diet

Provide an appropriately nutritious diet to maintain the health of a Pomeranian dog. However, they eat little in comparison to the size of the coat. Supplementing vegetable oil in your diet can help keep the skin and coat healthy.

Use socks for your ears while feeding; because of the length of the ears, they get dirty from drowning in food. This process is called snoods.

Read – A Complete List of All Human Foods Dogs Can Eat and Can’t Eat

Coat Colour and grooming

The glory of the Pomeranian Dog is its amazingly thick double coat, combined with its soft, wavy undercoat and dense, long shiny hair. Poms have one outstanding feature in their tails. Its tail is spread on the back like a flat conch. Interestingly, when Poms are born, their seats are pretty short. Their tail size develops slowly, a process that can take months.

Their coat mixes with blue, black, chocolate, cream, orange, and other colours. There is also brindle (gold, red, or orange base Colour with strong black cross stripes) and sable (dark hair on a silver, gold, grey, fawn, or brown background).

The Pomeranian dog is considered a medium shed breed. After delivery, the female sheds her hair, and the male sheds his undercoat within a year. Make sure you brush and comb thoroughly under the skin to remove the shedding undercoat.

Bathe her at least twice a month and brush her twice a week. If his coat smells mild, sprinkle a baby powder on his skin, let him rest for a few minutes, and then wipe his jacket with a soft cloth.

Other grooming needs include taking care of your Pomeranian’s nails and trimming their nails as they grow. You can hear nails clicking on the floor in need of a trim. It’s also a good idea to take care of your teeth once a week. When he is a little puppy, start taking care of his paws. So that when he becomes an adult, he does not find it difficult, and you can easily trim him neatly and efficiently.

Precautions for Pomeranian Dogs With Children

An active Pom loves to play and is great fun with children. Poms are a popular breed for children, although it is not recommended to be left alone with young children in their absence. It is always necessary to teach your kids how to deal with pets.

Advise young children to avoid coming into contact with Poms while sleeping or eating. Refrain from pulling his ears and tail. 


Pomeranians often bark at strangers.

High heat can overheat the pom and cause a hitting stroke.

Poms are good with children but should not be left alone in their absence.

Never leave them unattended, as Poms can prey on smaller birds.

Although Poms are small, they are not afraid of larger pets; they can become prey in your absence.

Pomeranian dog health

Always seek out a responsible breeder before buying a healthy puppy; never buy a puppy from an irresponsible pet store. Look for a reputable, experienced breeder who can ensure this. The puppy providing this to you has been raised by a healthy parent who was free from genetic diseases.

The Pomeranian dogs breed are generally healthy, but like other breeds, certain health activities affect them. If you are getting a puppy, it is essential to be aware of some common diseases. Like-

Dog Hip Dysplasia: This is a genetic disease; dogs suffering from this disease show lameness in the hind legs. The thigh bone does not freeze in the hip joint in this disease. Dogs suffering from this disease should not be bred. When buying a new dog, be sure to ask the breeder for proof that the puppy’s parents have been tested for hip dysplasia and are free of problems.

Dog Allergy:

This is a common disease found in all types of dogs. There are mainly two types of allergies; they can be cured by giving a good diet to your dog.

1. – Contact allergy – This disease is caused by a reaction to topical substances such as dog flea powder, bedding, dog shampoos, and other chemicals.

2. – Inhalant allergy – Airborne allergens like dust and mildew cause this disease to the dog. Treatment of this disease varies according to the cause and may include dietary restrictions, medications, and environmental changes.

Hypothyroidism in Dogs: This is a thyroid gland disorder in dogs of all breeds. This leads to obesity, lethargy, hyperpigmentation, epilepsy, hair loss, pyoderma, and other skin conditions. It is treated with medicine and diet.

Progressive Retinal Atrophy (PRA):

This is an eye disease found in dogs; this disease gradually affects the retina. On exposure, night blindness occurs; as the disease progresses, the dog’s vision is lost.

Umbilical Hernia in Dogs: This is a disease that occurs at the time of birth of the dog. In this, belly fat spreads on the belly along with the navel. According to veterinarians, some minor hernias close on their own by the age of 6 months. Sometimes dogs spend their whole lives with this disease. It does not cause any difficulties to the dog.

Larger hernias may require surgery, which is often done when neutered or neutered. Veterinarians use this surgery to prevent a more severe condition. A loop of the intestine collapses into a hernia.

Von Willebrand disease of dogs: This disease is found in both dogs and humans. It is a blood disorder that affects the process of clotting. Dogs suffering from this disease have a bleeding nose, bleeding gums, and sometimes blood in the stool.

Treatment of this disease is diagnosed between 3 and 5 years of age. It isn’t easy to recover in large dogs. However, it can be prevented by giving treatment.

Canine Hemorrhagic Gastroenteritis:

A dog suffering from this disease becomes a victim of vomiting and diarrhea; for the diagnosis of this disease, it is cured with a nutritious diet after consulting a veterinarian.

Cancer in dogs: Like humans, there is a terrible disease in dogs; there are many types of cancer in dogs. Treatment is done differently for each. Some types of cancer are treated with chemotherapy. In others, the tumor is removed surgically, and in others, it is treated both surgically and medically.

Legg-Perthes Disease: This is a disease related to the hip in dogs; it is more common in small dogs. When your Pomeranian has leg Perth, the blood supply to his femur is reduced. The top of the femur, attached to the pelvis, begins to disintegrate. It is usually more common in 4 to 6 months old dogs. Symptoms include lameness in the dog. For rescue, femur surgery can be done with the advice of a qualified veterinarian.

Patellar Luxation: This is a widespread problem for Poms dogs. In this disease, the joints of the feet protrude slightly, which causes pain to the dog. If he does not get treatment at the right time, he can become disabled. However, some dogs even live everyday lives with S disease.

Collapsed trachea: In this dog disease, the trachea, which carries air to the lungs, collapses easily. In this disease, the dog feels cough, dry cough, and swelling in the throat. The harness is used instead of a dog collar in this disease. The treatment of this disease is done by the doctor surgically.


The Pomeranian was developed in the province of Pomerania from the ancient Spitz breeds of northern countries. This breed was popular in the early days. In 1761, the Pomeranian was appalled to England. Queen Victoria of England bred more than 15 different breeds of dogs. She especially loved the Pomeranian, whom she first saw during a trip to Italy in 1888. She later fell in love with a red Pomeranian named Marco, who weighed 12 pounds.

This Pomeranian named Marco has participated in several dog shows under the name Queen and won many honors. After Marco, Queen Victoria’s following most famous pom was a woman named Gina, who also became champion at the London Dog Show. From the decennary to the Nineteen Thirties, Pomeranians typically had the best range of entries in dog shows, Britain’s national championship.

The breed standard was stabilized in 1920, during which time a wide range of colors became available. Early Pomeranians were predominantly white, red, black, chocolate, or blue. Still, after an orange dog won a dog show in the 1920s, the range of colors expanded.

The first pom to enter the AKC

Now the popularity of the pom spread across the Atlantic. The Pomeranian was the first pom to enter the AKC (American Kennel Club) studbook in 1888. In 1892, the first pom was recorded at a dog show in New York NY. After the AKC recognized the breed in 19 00, Pomeranians quickly became popular in the United States. In 1909, the American Pomeranian Club was accepted as a member club of the AKC and designated as the parent club for the breed. As of mid-century, Poms rank 14th out of 155 species and varieties registered.

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